

Soul Maps - Kabbalah to navigate your inner world
Tanya Class

Boys: Mondays at 7:30pm

Girls: Thursdays at 7:00pm

Daily Halacha class with Rabbi Oirechman

Join us for afternoon and evening prayers followed by day to day Halacha class Sunday- Thursday at 6:30pm at Chabad


The Kaballah of Shabbat- Every Friday at 6:00pm- 6:30pm

Learn about the inner meaning of Shabbat in Kaballah

Lunch & Learn on Campus

Come discuss Jewish topics that are relevant to everyone.

every Tuesday at 12:30 at the union


Virtual Lunch and Learn

Wednesdays at 12:00pm
Via Zoom:










Sinai Scholars Society- Learn and Earn

The objective of this course is to explore core elements of Jewish thought, literature and practice. Judaism spans 4000 years. You can fill up libraries with its literature. Its practices are more vast and complex than perhaps any other society. They are as vast and complex as life itself. So to think we will cover Judaism in one 8 week course is not a very Jewish thought. What we are aiming for is to explore some of its core elements; core to Judaism, and core to us—modern Jews in the 21st Century. These are issues we must be familiar with if we want to say with integrity “I am a Jew. This is not an in-depth exploration to become a scholar, get a PhD, or become “religious”. This is to have a healthy, adult-level, understanding of the core elements of our heritage and identity.